Marvelous Marmots

The History of the Marmot Kingdom

This is the origin story of the Marvelous Marmot Kingdom. In the following, we want to explain the different stages of the road that lead to the kingdom. Please feel free to provide feedback and ask questions in our Discord, if something is unclear!

The unnamed road in the west

This is where the Marvelous Marmots project started.
It all began with a tweet by Chia's @mouthy, where he expressed the wish to have his own Marmot NFT. Thomas, now the Royal Artist of the Marmot King, created the following first-ever Marvelous Marmot!

Since people seemed to like it, we started a Twitter account and shared some random marmots there.
It was always the plan to bring them on the Chia blockchain as NFTs, but since the Chia NFT standard was far out, we didn’t develop a detailed plan.

Golden Marmot Ticket Offering

The release of CATs and offer files on Chia just two weeks ago made us think of the possibility to issue tickets that could be traded for a Marvelous Marmot NFT as soon as they could be created.

Thus the Marmot King, 1028th of his line, issued a limited number of 100 Golden Marmot Tickets on Jan 16 and accepted offers through a custom inbox on two days later. After five days, all 100 tickets had been sold.

We were often asked why we picked this form of accepting offers:
It was possible, it sounded like fun, and we didn’t know what price to ask for anyway.

The First Edition of Marvelous Marmots NFTs

As stated above, the first edition of Marvelous Marmots NFTs comprises 100 pieces, one for each Golden Marmot Ticket owner.
They have been released after the launch of the Chia NFT1 stanard, in July 2022.


We decided to further explore the possibilities of the Marvelous Marmot kingdom.
The marmots of the first edition represent society in this Kingdom, including nobility, knights, (DEX-)merchants, craftsmarmots and (Chia-)farmers. Our goal was to offer a variety of marmots while maintaining style, diversity and cuteness factor.

The marmots are assigned to one of the 4 major factions/houses, each one inspired by a different kind of real world marmot. These houses are be represented by color scheme and iconography. This provides the opportunity to find your favorite faction but also might be the basis for different events or special editions in the future.

But keep in mind, while there are different factions, the overall unity of the marmot kingdom under its benevolent king is never in question, the houses competitions always marked by goodwill.

You can find the first edition of the Marvelous Marmots NFTs on MintGarden!